
Our Cariboo Carbon Solutions team members plan and execute a diverse program of reforestation projects. We are committed to the conservation and enhancement of British Columbia’s precious forest ecosystems.

Our forest professionals prescribe reforestation and restoration plans in discussions with our partners and collaborators. We adhere to best management practices, which includes utilizing the latest knowledge on climate change adaptation, to develop site appropriate mixed species prescriptions.

Our goal is to assist in the recovery of degraded and heavily disturbed ecosystems that will not only survive but thrive remain resilient to climate change.

At CCS we believe that diversity in a forest ecosystem is what lends it resilience. It is because of this that we strive to “plant forests not trees”. Our mixed species prescriptions focus on re-establishing native tree species while mimicking their natural distributions so that the right trees are planted in the right place.

We have been at the cutting edge for the movement to include deciduous trees into planting prescriptions in the forest industry. It is due to this that we are leaders in the methods for the development of deciduous seedlings at the industrial scale.

To help carry out our vision of reforestation and restoration, we work closely with our parent company, Zanzibar Holdings Ltd. Zanzibar is primarily focused on tree planting and has been a prominent member of the forest industry since 1980. Since its inception, Zanzibar has planted over 500 million trees. The year 2020 was a record year where they planted 32 million trees.

Here are some notable examples of large-scale reforestation projects with biodiversity values integration at Cariboo Carbon Solutions:

  • Since 2017, our team has worked on projects that have reforested more than 20,000 hectares of forest severely impacted by the Hanceville and Plateau fires in 2017.
  • Since 2022 we have worked with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to restore riparian ecosystems that were damaged in the catastrophic flooding event of 2021. This initiative has focused on the restoration of riparian tree and shrub species such as aspen, cottonwood, red-osier dogwood, and willow in an attempt to stabilize stream banks, reduce water temperatures, and reduce sediment loads in the Coldwater and Nicola Rivers.

Looking to plant trees? Contact us at for opportunities to fund upcoming planting projects.