About Us
Cariboo Carbon Solutions (CCS) was established in 2020 as a subsidiary of Zanzibar Holdings. Zanzibar Holdings has a long history (since 1980) of delivering high quality projects in silviculture across BC including: tree planting, training, DTA/DTF and silviculture surveys. CCS was conceived as an expansion into managing and developing the activities needed to deliver wildfire forest rehabilitation projects. “Cariboo Carbon Solutions” as a name came from the work CCS contributed under the Forest Carbon Initiative (FCI) program, to reforest areas in 2017 Hanceville and Plateau fires for carbon sequestration. Since 2020, CCS has expanded its operations and projects to wildfire impacted areas including: 100 Mile House, Williams Lake, Quesnel, Merritt, Kamloops, Keremeos, Vancouver Island, and North Vancouver.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to play a part in a sustainable future through developing projects that enhance the health and functionality of British Columbia’s ecosystems thereby reinstating ecological balance and supporting native biodiversity.
Mission Statement
Cariboo Carbon Solutions’ mission is to help mitigate the impacts of climate change, support local communities, and conserve biodiversity through the restoration of degraded ecosystems. Through creative project origination and facilitating connections between First Nations, Government, Funding Partners, and other stakeholders, we establish the essential foundations for meaningful and successful projects.
Our Experience
Our Company
Our Company
Project origination is an integral part of our business. Cariboo Carbon Solutions specializes in identifying, developing, and managing projects that focus on wildfire reforestation, ecological restoration and growing trees in BC.
Established in 2020, Cariboo Carbon Solutions operates as a subsidiary of Zanzibar Holdings. Within our organization, we have a dedicated team of foresters and technicians who are committed to advancing our mission and contributing to the reforestation of British Columbia.
Our Team
Our Team
Cariboo Carbon Solutions has a team of dedicated forestry professionals who are passionate about working in British Columbia’s forests. Our team includes professional foresters and technologists, project managers, forest ecologists, forest workers and GIS technicians. They collectively contribute their knowledge and expertise to the successful management of projects that align with our mission.
Additionally, we benefit from a collaborative relationship with our parent company, Zanzibar Holdings. Zanzibar has a dedicated workforce of tree planters and accredited silviculture surveyors who are an essential part of our field capacity. This synergy between our organizations allows us to draw on a large pool of resources during field seasons.
Our Collaborators
Our Collaborators
Cariboo Carbon Solutions has a network of longstanding partnerships across the province, built over our extensive years of operation since 1981 under Zanzibar Holdings Ltd. Our approach to project identification and partner engagement is firmly rooted in these enduring relationships.
A cornerstone of our project development strategy is the involvement of local Indigenous communities and building First Nations partnerships. These partnerships depend on trust and rapport as well as communication and transparency.
We value the contributions of our First Nations partners and embrace their traditional ecological knowledge and invaluable guidance on land stewardship. This commitment underscores our dedication to respectful and mutually beneficial relationships with Indigenous communities.
Our collaboration include a variety of stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations, private enterprises, and government entities at both the federal and provincial levels. Through these partnerships, Cariboo Carbon Solutions is able to secure funding and facilitate collaboration to support reforestation projects and further our mission.
Our ability to bring together these varied stakeholders is a key driver of our success.